Payment Initiation Live
New version 2.2.0
Update information:
Initiating instant payments in BGN (BLINK) (serviceLevel=BLNK in domestic-credit-transfers-bgn)
Initiating payments with future date (requestedExecutionDate)
Initiating bulk-payments
Initiating periodic-payments
New "fundsAvailable" attribute in the payment status response when the transaction is waiting for funds
New version 2.1.0 Update information:
- Change for payment-product "domestic-budget-transfers-bgn"
- for details see definition "BudgetPaymentDetails"
- Added new definition "BICFI" for data element "creditorAgent"
New version 2.0.0 - Changed oAuth2 Grant Type. Payment initiation without debtor IBAN
Update information:
- Changed oAuth2 Grant Type for payment initiation API from Authorization Code to Client credentials
- Possibility to initiate a payment without the orderer's account details (debtorAccount)
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2 rate limits *
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